Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tag folder 6 from NymQ ;)

Instructions as follows:

1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
4. Put the picture on your blog and describe about it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.
6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

Folder yg tpilih ialahhhhhhhh folder ice skating ms intern!
xske angat kenangan tym tu..hahaha...tp Lea ade, so oke aa jugak...
The pix is cik Laici ngan budak kecik, Azilea.

Date taken: 23rd November 2008
Place: Sunway Pyramid

Pix ni amek before kiteorang men ice skating. and it was my first tym!
seb bek lea yang comel ade,guide cik laici kan? hehe..
Lea or Azilea is my best friend since form 5 and kiteorang still rapat sampai skng.. Alhamdulillah even dia kecik luaran kan tp dia sangat baik and pandai sangat2 bg nasihat yang bhikmah.
Skg budak comel ni ngah practical and hope dia akn bjaya dlm sume2 yg dia wat..InsyaAllah..

Masa men ice skating ni kan, kan first tym kan..mana aa berani nak gerak2.. diri statik je aa.. Lea ngan setianya ikot n make sure xjatuh..haha..tapi last2 jatuh gak. Jatuh.saket.tp best. As long as with lea syg.. Hope nnti ley aa jumpe lea..skng masing2 bz sbb sume da masuk final year kan.. Ade jodoh, kite jmpe and men layang2 ;)

Okies, cik laici nak tag...

1) Farin chumil sangat2
2) Mock SengaL
3) DayaH cumi2
4) Adik Meen
5) Filz Manje
6) Anonymous :P


bdk x ckup sel said...

waaaa...rndunyer nk bermain2..huuh..skrg ni asik bz ngn keje je..huhuhu...pnt...

MizTz_Lychee said...

nnti kite spend time together ea ;)